Friday, April 18, 2008


Well, pheeeeew.
Made it through another grueling school week. I've really been trying to grind out over half of a nine weeks work --into the last 2 weeks.

*Sometimes wonders if she should have even tried going back to school*

But hey, I know it'll be worth it to finish. And I'm a firm believer in "Hey you started it, now finish it."
I've got to keep it short again. I've got a "Friday brain" and it's on "last of the week burn out". Don't think I'll get much more out of it in the way of posting anything meaningful or otherwise. Hope the weekend is good to all. Cat

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Allow Me to Introduce Myself---

Hey! I am a Business Management Technology student. One of our assignments was to create this blog. Never "blogged" before (I know), but, if it's all about talking, and expressing views, opinions, etc. Then it's right up my alley!
Okay Miss Lowrance I'm on here!!